Accounting Technology

项目类型: Face-to-Face, Fully Online
项目级别: Degrees, Certificates, Online
部门: 业务 和 创业
研究所: 业务 & 创业
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What is the Accounting Technology program?

The accounting technology program offers a degree 和 certificate program as pathways to entry- 和中期level accounting or 记账 positions, helping you prepare for a career in business, government or public accounting.  


你会 learn basic accounting, 电子表格 开发ment, 记账 为业务, including sole proprietorships, 合作伙伴关系 和公司. 你 will be able to perform accounting functions 这两个 手动 在电脑上 while gaining experience with accounting, 电子表格行业标准 数据库软件QuickBooks. 你会 开发 computer skills, communication skills 和 the professionalism you need to succeed.

What can I do with this course of study?

With this program, you can 追求 employment as an accounting technician, a junior accountant, a bookkeeper, accounting clerk, 应收账款 clerk or accounts payable clerk, payroll specialist or tax preparer. 你 can also transfer to a four-year institution to earn a bachelor’s degree in accounting.

What's special about our program?

这个程序 帮助 you 开发 marketable, in-dem和 skills quickly by earning certificates in specific accounting technology topics. 一些 certificates are available fully online, 和 all serve as the foundation for your associate in applied science degree in Accounting Technology.


Dr. Val卡尔弗特
(210) 486-0190

Coordinator, Accounting Technology
Nail Technical Center (NTC 334)
(210) 486-0538
